Saturday 24 June 2017

Engineering Chemistry MCQs 1 (CORROSION AND LUBRICANTS)


Engineering Chemistry MCQs 1 These are Engineering Chemistry MCQs 1. In the field of engineering, a chemical engineer is a professional, who is equipped with the knowledge of chemical engineering, works principally in the chemical industry to convert basic raw materials into a variety of products, and deals with the design and operation of plants and equipment.

Engineering Chemistry MCQs 1

1. Volatile oxidation corrosion product of a metal is,
  • Fe2O3
  • MoO3
  • Fe3O4
  • FeO

2. Lower is pH, corrosion is,
  • Greater
  • Lower
  • Constant
  • None of above

3. Electrochemical corrosion takes place on,
  • Anodic area
  • Cathodic area
  • Near cathode
  • Near anode

4. Chemical formula of Rust is,
  • Fe2O3
  • FeO
  • Fe3O4
  • Fe2O3.XH2O

5. Which of following metals could provide cathodic protection to Fe?
  • Al & Cu
  • Al & Zn
  • Zn & Cu
  • Al & Ni

6. Smaller the grain size, corrosion is,
  • Greater
  • Lower
  • Constant
  • Doesn’t affected

7. Process of corrosion enhanced by,
  • AIR & Moisture
  • Electrolytes in water
  • Metallic impurities
  • Gases like CO2 & SO2
  • All of above.

8. Standard electrode potential of hydrogen is,
  • 1.00 V
  • 0.00 V
  • 0.01 V
  • 0.001 V

9. Standard electrode potential of Al / Al3+ is,
  • + 0.66V
  • - 0.66 V
  • - 1.66 V
  • + 1.66 V

10. Standard electrode potential of Zn2+/ Zn is,
  • - 0.76 V
  • + 0.76 V
  • - 2.76 V
  • + 2.76 V

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