Sunday 9 April 2017

NTSE Notes on "Acids, Bases, Salts and pH"


NTSE Notes on "Acids, Bases, Salts and pH"These are basic theories and concepts of chemistry chapter (Acids, Bases, Salts and pH) Learn And Practice For NTSE Examinations.

·   Acids => Acids are the substances          that taste sour, turn t blue litmus red      and liberate H2 gas on reaction with      me metals.

·Bases => Bases are substances that        are bitter in taste, slippery in touch        and turn red litmus blue. Acids and bases neutralize each other.

·   Arrhenius Concept => According to Arrhenius, acids are substances that              produce hydrogen ions when mixed with water, and bases are substances that        produces that produce hydroxyl ions(OH) when mixed with water.
   For example: HCI (aq) + CI - (aq); HCI is an acid.
   NaOH (aq)  à Na+ (aq) + OH (aq) ; NaOH is base.

·   Strong Acids and Strong Bases => Strong acids (or bases) dissociate                   completely and weak acids (or bases) dissociate to a smaller extent.

  Examples of  Strong acids: H2SO4, HNO3, HCI, HCIO4   

  Examples of Strong bases: KOH, NaOH, Ba(OH)2    

  Examples of  Weak acids: CH3 COOH, HCOOH, HF  

  Examples of  Weak bases: NH4OH, Ca(OH)2

·   Acid-Base Indicator  => There are many substances which show one colour in     acid medium and different  colour in basic         medium. Such substances are       known as acid-base indicator.

·   Acids Dilution => Acids are always diluted by adding acid into water and not       by adding water into acid.

·   Acids Definition Further => Later on, we have also defined acid as a substance   which donates proton (H+) and base is one which  accepts proton (H+). The           acidity or alkalinity of a solution can be expressed in terms of hydrogen ion   concentration.

 Neutral solution à  [H+] = 10-7 mol/L

 Acid solution à [H+] > 10-7 mol/L

· pH Scale => The pH scale was introduced by Soreness to express acidity or           basicity of a solution. The pH is defined as pH = - log10 [H+)
  the negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration in moles per liter.
  For, Neutral solution :    pH = 7
       Acid solution:     pH < 7
       Basic solution:    pH > 7
as H+ ion increases, pH decreases and as OH- ion increases, pH increases.

·   Salts => Salts are formed when acid and base neutralize each other. Salts are         electrolytes which contain positive and negative radicals.

·   Types of Salt Formation =>

·   Salts having the same positive or negative radicals are said to belong to a family.

  Sodium salt family: NaCI, Na2SO4, NaNO3

  Potassium family: KCI, KNO3

  Chloride salts family: NaCI, KCI

  Sulphate salts family: Na2SO4, (NH4)2SO4

·   Salts formed by the neutralization of strong acid and strong base are called as       neutral salts. Example: NaCI (sodium chloride).

·  Salts formed by the neutralization of strong acid and weak base are called as         acidic salts. Example: NH4CI (ammonium chloride).

· Salts formed by the neutralization of weak acid and strong base are called as          basic salts. Example: CH3COONa (sodium acetate). 

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