Thursday 23 February 2017

CBSE NEET Chemistry Practice MCQs 1=> CHAPTER 2 ( STRUCTURE OF ATOM) 11th Class


CBSE NEET Chemistry Practice MCQs 1=> CHAPTER 2 ( STRUCTURE OF ATOM) 11th Class These are MCQs of CHAPTER 2 ( STRUCTURE OF ATOM) for 11th Class. Practic MCQs to check your knowledge for Entracne examination like CBSE NEET etc

1. A region in space around the nucleus of an atom where the probability of finding the electron is maximum is called
  • sub-level
  • orbit
  • orbital
  • electron shell

2. Rutherford scattering experiment is related to size of the
  • numcleus
  • atom
  • electron
  • neutron

3. The phenomenon of splitting of spectral lines under the influence of the electric field is known as
  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Stark Effect
  • Zeeman Effect
  • Electromagnetic Effect

4. In H atom when electron jumps form 1s to 2s orbital,
  • Energy is released
  • Energy is absorbed
  • the atom becomes cation
  • size of the atom decreases

5. How many quantum numbers are required to define the electron in atom?
  • 2
  • 3
  • 1
  • 4

6. Which of the following orbital does not make sense?
  • 3d
  • 3f
  • 5p
  • 7s

7. The number of spherical nodes in 4s-orbital is
  • 4
  • infinity
  • 2
  • 3

8. The total number of orbitals in energy level represented by n = 5 are
  • 16
  • 50
  • 30
  • 25

9. For an orbital with n = 2, l = 1, m = 0 there is/are
  • one planar node
  • one region of maximum probability
  • two lobes of same size about the nucleus
  • all the above statements are correct

10. Which of the following orbitals does not have angular node?
  • 2s
  • 2p
  • 3p
  • 3d

CBSE NEET Chemistry Practice MCQs 1=> CHAPTER 2 ( STRUCTURE OF ATOM) =>


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