Sunday 27 August 2017

Problems in studying CHEMISTRY


Problems in studying CHEMISTRY
Understanding "Problems in studying CHEMISTRY" gives you insight to improve your learning skills in studying chemistry. Before taking any chemistry course, make sure that you have the required math skills.

Since chemistry involves many calculations, you must have the math prerequisites specified in your university catalogue.
Moreover, read the course description very carefully, and if you have any further questions, contact the chemistry department.


1Fail to stop the professor => Often students sitting in a chemistry lecture fail to stop the professor when they do not understand a problem or a concept. Ironically, many other students have the same question.
Don't push it aside and hope that you will understand it later on; you are paying for the course, and you need to ask questions.

2• Failing to get the correct answer => Perhaps the most annoying situation a student gets into is working a problem out and failing to get the correct answer. This is not rare.
Almost everyone works a problem wrong the first time. In addition, these mistakes teach us what we did wrong. Chemistry requires discipline in order to understand it and solve problems.

3Which professor should I take => "Which professor should I take?" The professor can make a big difference in your grade.
Therefore, you should ask other students who have taken chemistry courses at this university whom they recommend.

4How should I mprove my problem solving skills => "How can I improve my problem solving skills?" There are many things that one could do; however, the best thing to do is work as many problems as you can.
Every chemistry book should also have a study guide with many problems worked out and explained. These study guides are very useful, and they assist you in understanding the material.

5My professor talks too fast => "My professor talks too fast, and I can't keep up with him while taking notes." The best thing to do in this situation is to bring a tape recorder into the lecture room and tape the lecture. (Make sure you have the professor's permission to tape the class lectures.)
Meanwhile, you can listen to the lecture and concentrate on any problems he or she may work on the board.

6Sometimes I can't work a problem => "Sometimes I can't work a problem, and I need help." Before hiring a tutor, check your professor's office hours; moreover, have the questions fully prepared so that he or she can help you.
In addition, make sure that your professor knows you by name, so that he or she will know that you take the course seriously.

If the professor knows that you are a serious student, he will help you as much as possible. Also, your university should have a learning center with many students who can assist you.
Your student fees fund these centers, and you will save money if you seek help there.

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