Sunday 26 February 2017

MCQs 1 on Chapter 7 (Equilibrium) 11th Class


MCQs 1 on Chapter 7 (Equilibrium) 11th Class These are MCQs 1 on Chapter 7 (Equilibrium) 11th Class. Practice MCQs to check your knowledge for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc

MCQs 1 on Chapter 7 (Equilibrium) 11th Class
1. " Whenever a stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the equilibrium shifts in such a way so as to undo the effect of the stress imposed." This is the statement of
  • Rate Law
  • Law of mass action
  • Le-Chatelier Principle
  • Dilution law

2. The solubility of CO2 in water increses with
  • increase in temprature
  • reduction of gas pressure
  • increase in gas pressure
  • increase in volume

3. Which of the following factors will favour the reverse reaction in a chemical equilibrium ?
  • Increase in concentration of one of the reactants
  • Increase in concentration of one of the products
  • Removal of one of the products regularly
  • None of these

4. The active mass of 64 g of HI in a two litre flask would be
  • 2
  • 1
  • 5
  • 0.25

5. Two moles of HI was heated in a sealed tube at 440oC till the equilibrium was reached. HI was found to be 22% decomposed. The equilibrium constant for dissociation is
  • 0.282
  • 0.0796
  • 0.0199
  • 1.99

6. The state of equilibrium refers to
  • State of rest
  • Dynamic state
  • Stationary state
  • State of inertness

7. In an exothermic reaction, a 10o rise in temprature will
  • Decrease the value of equilibrium constant
  • Double the value of Kc
  • Not produce any change in Kc
  • Produce some increase in Kc

8. At certain temprature, 50 % of HI is dissociated into H2 and I2, the equilibrium constant is
  • 1.0
  • 3.0
  • 0.5
  • 0.25

9. The law of mass action was given by
  • Bodenstein
  • Berthelot
  • Grahm
  • Gulberg and Waage

10. The reaction 2SO2 + 2O2 <=> 2SO3 will be favoured by
  • High temperature and Low Pressure
  • Low temprature and High Pressure
  • Low temperature and Low Pressure
  • High temperature and High Pressure

MCQs 1 on Chapter 7 (Equilibrium) =>


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