Sunday 26 February 2017

MCQs 1 on Chapter 4(Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure)


MCQs 1 on Chapter 4(Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure) These are MCQs 1 on Chapter 4(Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure). Practice MCQs to check your knowledge for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc

MCQs 1 on Chapter 4(Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure)
1. Resonating Structure can be written for
  • O3
  • NH3
  • CH4
  • H2O

2. Which of the following is an ionic compound ?
  • SO3
  • ICl
  • KI
  • CHCl3

3. An electrovalent compound is made up of
  • neutral atoms
  • neutral molecules
  • electrically charged atoms or groups of atoms
  • electrically charged molecules

4. Compound in which central atom assumes sp3d hybridization is
  • SO3
  • PCl5
  • SO2
  • PCl3

5. C2H2 is iso-structural with
  • H2C2
  • NO2
  • SnCl2
  • CO2

6. Which of the following structures is most expected for the molecule XeOF4?
  • Tetrahedral
  • Square Pyramidal
  • Square Planar
  • Octahedral

7. which of the following has zero value of dipole moment?
  • Benzene
  • Naphthalene
  • p-dichlorobenzene
  • All of these

8. In which of the following molecule, the bond legths are not equal
  • SiF4
  • PF5
  • SF6
  • CF4

9. Which of the following is solid with highest m.p.?
  • CO2(s)
  • H2S(s)
  • SiO2
  • He(s)

10. Which of the following species have intra molecular H-bonds ?
  • Phenol
  • o-Nitrophenol
  • p-Nitrophenol
  • Nitroethane

MCQs 1 on Chapter 4(Chemical Bonding And Molecular Structure) =>


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