Saturday 27 October 2018

MCQs 1 on STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM => 9th Class

MCQs on Chemistry => 9th Class solve online MCQs on Chemistry(STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM) => 9th Class for competitve examinations like CBSE Neet, CBSE Board, CSIR NET, GRE etc.
1. The charge/ mass ratio of electron:
  • Depends on the nature of the electrodes
  • Depends upon nature of the gas c. Remains constant
  • Remains constant
  • Depends on both nature of the gas and nature of the electrode

2. A student weighs 30kg. Suppose his body is entirely made of electrons. How any electrons are there in his body? Mass of an electron= 9.1X10-31kg
  • 3.29 X1031
  • 3.29 X1030
  • 3.29 X1023
  • 3.29 X1032

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MCQs 1 on Is MATTER AROUND US PURE ? => 9th Class

MCQs 1 on Is MATTER AROUND US PURE ? => 9th Class solve online MCQs 1 on Is MATTER AROUND US PURE ? => 9th Class for competitve examinations like CBSE Neet, CBSE Board, CSIR NET, GRE etc.
MCQs 1 on Is MATTER AROUND US PURE ? => 9th Class
1. When a bottle of soda water is opened, carbon dioxide escapes, producing a fizz. This is due to:
  • Decrease in solubility on decreasing temperature
  • Decrease in solubility on increasing temperature
  • Decrease in solubility on decreasing pressure
  • Decrease in solubility on increasing pressure

2. A mixture of oil and water can be separated by:
  • Sublimation
  • Crystallisation
  • Chromatography
  • Separating funnel

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Friday 26 October 2018


MCQs on Chemistry => 9th Class solve online MCQs on Chemistry(MATTER IN OUR SURROUNDINGS) => 9th Class for competitve examinations like CBSE Neet, CBSE Board, CSIR NET, GRE etc.
1. At higher altitudes the boiling points of liquids
  • Increases
  • Decreases
  • Remains the same
  • Increases then decreases

2. During evaporation particles of a liquid change into vapours :
  • From the surface
  • From the bulk
  • From the bottom
  • From all over the liquid

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MCQs on Chemistry => 9th Class solve online MCQs on Chemistry(MATTER IN OUR SURROUNDINGS) => 9th Class for competitve examinations like CBSE Neet, CBSE Board, CSIR NET, GRE etc.
1. As solid melts to form liquid:
  • Inter particle distance increases
  • Inter molecular forces of attraction decreases
  • Compressibility increases
  • All of the above

2. Which of the following is not characteristic of solid:
  • High Rigidity
  • Regular Shape
  • High density
  • High compressibility

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Friday 10 November 2017

Online 10th CLASS NCERT CHEMISTRY (Practice CHEMISTRY Test for Chapters => 1, 2, 3, 4)

Online 10th CLASS NCERT Practice CHEMISTRY Tests for Chapters => 1, 2, 3, 4

Chemistry Test
Time:1 hour 30 min                                                             Marks: 35

Q.1 A solution of a substance ‘X’ is used for white washing.                                      3
(i) Name the substance ‘X’ and write its formula.
(ii) Write the reaction of the substance ‘X’ named in (i) above with
Q.2  Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions.                               2
(a) Calcium hydroxide + Carbon dioxide => Calcium carbonate + Water
(b) Zinc + Silver nitrate => Zinc nitrate + Silver
Q.3 A shiny brown coloured element ‘X’ on heating in air becomes black in colour.            1      
Name the element ‘X’ and the black coloured compound formed.

 Q.4 Which gas is usually liberated when an acid reacts with a metal? Illustrate with an example. How will you test for the presence of this gas?                                                                                                 3

 Q.5 How is the concentration of hydronium ions (H3O+) affected when a solution of an acid is diluted?2

 Q.6 Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture-proof container. Explain why?            2

Q.7  Give two important uses of washing soda and baking soda.                                          2
Q.8  Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a reactive metal? Write the chemical reaction when iron reacts with dilute H2SO4.                                                                           2

Q.9 Name two metals which are found in nature in the free state.                                                       2

Q.10 What are amphoteric oxides? Give two examples of amphoteric oxides.          2
Q.11 You must have seen tarnished copper vessels being cleaned with lemon or tamarind juice. Explain why these sour substances are effective in cleaning the vessels.                                                              2

Q.12 Differentiate between metal and non-metal on the basis of their chemical properties.  2

 Q.13 Draw the structures for the following compounds.                                                     5
(i) Ethanoic acid        (ii) Bromopentane*      (iii) Butanone   (iv) Hexanal.
 *Are structural isomers possible for bromopentane?

Q.14 A mixture of oxygen and ethyne is burnt for welding. Can you tell why a mixture of ethyne and air is not used?                                                                                                                                        2         

Q.15 How can ethanol and ethanoic acid be differentiated on the basis of their physical

and chemical properties?                                                                                            3          
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