Tuesday 28 February 2017

MCQs 1 on chapter 10(S-Block Elements)11th Class


MCQs on chapter 10(S-Block Elements)11th Class These are MCQs on chapter 10(S-Block Elements)11th Class. Practice MCQs to check your knowledge for Entrance examination like CBSE NEET etc

MCQs on chapter 10(S-Block Elements)11th Class
1. Alkali metals never occur free in nature becauase
  • They are unstable
  • They are very reactive chemically
  • Their compounds with other elements are very stable
  • None of these

2. Which of the following statement about the isolation of alkali metals is true?
  • Alkali metals can be isolated by the reduction of their oxides by carbon
  • Alkali metals can be prepared from their aqueous salt solutions by metal displacement method
  • Alkali metals can be prepared by the electrolysis of their aqueous salt solutions.
  • Alkali metals can be prepared by electrolysis of their fused chlorides

3. Alkali metals are generally prepared by
  • Reduction of metal oxides with carbon
  • Electrolysis of their anhydrous molten halides
  • Reduction of halides with hydrogen
  • Reduction of corressponding oxide with powered aluminium

4. Hot sodium metal is prepared by
  • Electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaCl
  • Electrolysis of aqueous solution of NaOH
  • Electrolysis of molten NaCl
  • None of these

5. Hot sodium hydroxide when treated with chlorides gives
  • Sodium chloride and water
  • Sodium chlorate and water
  • Sodium choride, sodium chlorate and water
  • None of the above

6. The alkali metals have an outer electronic configuration of
  • ns2
  • ns2np6
  • ns1
  • ns2np1

7. Which out of the following set of atomic numbers refers to that of alkali metals ?
  • 1, 12, 30, 4, 62
  • 37, 19, 3, 55
  • 9, 17, 35, 53
  • 12, 20, 56 ,88

8. Which of the following sodium halides has the highest melting point?
  • NaF
  • NaCl
  • NaBr
  • NaI

9. The Largest ionic radii in water is of
  • K+
  • Cs+
  • Na+
  • Li+

10. The metallic lustre exhibited by sodium is explained by the presence of
  • free protons
  • Na+ ions
  • Conduction Electrons
  • a body-centred cubic lattice

MCQs on chapter 10(S-Block Elements) =>


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